
Investment philosophy – Fixed Income funds

We believe that good portfolio managers perform better when assisted by technology, this means that while some see today’s integrated markets as being flooded with information, we see opportunity instead of overload. We use technology to make structural and decision specific improvements to the overall investment process. Wherever possible, we seek to mitigate or eliminate subjective human bias with investment decisions being driven by methodical, probabilistic and objective processes. These systems enable us to be efficient when we implement investments ideas and are fundamental to our investment process.

We focus on the highest quality, most liquid issuers in South Africa, as we believe it is crucial to understand an issuer’s ability to service debt and return investors’ capital. Our focus will be on how we position the funds in the issuance of these borrowers to produce the best returns available relative to the risk tolerance of the specific fund mandates.

We challenge each other to continue evolving whilst encouraging a culture of full transparency and customer focused integrity.


Risk Profile

In the fixed income asset class we offer two products being a fixed income and dynamic income fund, both structured as unit trusts.

Methodical BCI Income Fund

The objective of this fund is to provide investors with a high level of income combined with capital preservation over any rolling 12-month period.

Methodical BCI Dynamic Income Fund

This fund aims to generate returns above the JSE All Bond Index (“ALBI”) over time, utilising active bond management combined with strategies which aim to reduce risk.


Fixed Income Funds

1. Methodical BCI Income Fund

The objective of this fund is to provide investors with a high level of income combined with capital preservation over any rolling 12-month period.

2. Methodical BCI Dynamic Income Fund

This fund aims to generate returns above the JSE All Bond Index (“ALBI”) over time, utilising active bond management combined with strategies which aim to reduce risk.